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Safety / Crime / Power outages / Water and drainage

Hillingdon Neighbourhood Watch

Link to neighbourhood watch OWL

Follow the link to Metropolitan police Neighbourhood watch and enter your postcode to join and receiver updates.

Local Police

Emergencies: Phone 999

Non urgent: Phone 101

Non-Medical emergencies: Phone 111

If you have a local issue, contact your Safer Neighbourhood Team:
Hillingdon West Team
Phone: 0207 161 8176
Email: [email protected]

Local Officer : [email protected]

Community safety team: [email protected]

Power outage

Power Outages Dial 0800 032 6990 It’s free of charge and will put you through to your local network operator who can give you help and advice. Calling 105 may put your through to UK Power Networks, who do not service the St Andrew’s Park estate.

water and drainage

Water is supplied by Affinity Water who are avaiable via 0345 357 2407

Drainage is handled by Thames Water or call 0800 714 614, however Affinity should be your first point of contact.

fire brigade

London Borough of Hillingdon Fire Brigade fire safety advice